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This page details how Super Spell 2 Recharged links to both the National Curriculum English KS2 and National Literacy Strategy Year groups 3 - 6. Super Spell 2 Recharged is suitable for use outside KS2, but we have so far only documented the English KS2 and Literacy Strategy links.

National Curriculum English KS2

Knowledge, skills and understanding

Reading strategies

1) To read with fluency, accuracy and understanding, pupils should be taught to use:

a. phonemic awareness and phonic knowledge
b. word recognition and graphic knowledge
d. contextual understanding.


4) Pupils should be taught:

Spelling strategies

a. to sound out phonemes
b. to analyse words into syllables and other known words
c. to apply knowledge of spelling conventions
d. to use knowledge of common letter strings, visual patterns and analogies
e. to check their spelling using word banks, dictionaries and spellcheckers
f. to revise and build on their knowledge of words and spelling patterns


g.the meaning, use and spelling of common prefixes and suffixes
h.the spelling of words with inflectional endings
i.the relevance of word families, roots and origins of words
j.the use of appropriate terminology, including vowel, consonant, homophone and syllable.

SuperSpell 2 Recharged can be used as a resource to help achieve the spelling aspects of the National Curriculum attainment targets for English KS2.

National Literacy Strategy Year groups 3 - 6

Spelling Bank KS2

Spelling bank objectives covered by using SuperSpell 2 Recharged

Year 3 Terms 1,2,3

Term 1 Objective
Objective 8 How the spellings of verbs alter when ing is added
Objective 9 To investigate and learn to use the spelling pattern le as in little, muddle, bottle, scramble, cradle
Objective 10 To recognise and spell common prefixes and how these influence word meanings, e.g. un, de, dis, re, pre
Objective 11 To use their knowledge of prefixes to generate new words from root words, especially antonyms, e.g. happy/unhappy, appear/disappear
Term 2  
Objective 8 How words change when er and est are added
Objective 8 How words change when y is added
Objective 9 To investigate and identify basic rules for changing the spelling of nouns when s is added
Objective 10 To investigate, spell and read words with silent letters, e.g. knee, gnat, wrinkle
Objective 12 To recognise and generate compound words, e.g. playground, airport, shoelace, underneath; and to use this knowledge to support their spelling
Objective 13 To recognise and spell common suffixes and how these influence word meanings, e.g. ly, ful, less
Objective 14 To use their knowledge of suffixes to generate new words from root words, e.g. proud/proudly, hope/hopeful/hopeless
Objective 15 To use the apostrophe to spell shortened forms of words, e.g. don't, can't
Term 3  
Objective 9 To recognise and spell the prefixes mis, non,ex, co, anti
Objective 11 To use the apostrophe to spell further contracted forms of words, e.g. couldn't

Year 4 Terms 1,2,3

Term 1 Objective
Objective 5 To spell two-syllable words containing double consonants, e.g. bubble, kettle, common
Objective 6 To distinguish between the spelling and meanings of common homophones, e.g. to/two/too; they're/their/there; piece/peace
Objective 7 To spell regular verb endings s, ed, ing (link to grammar work on tenses)
Objective 8 To spell irregular tense changes, e.g. go/went, can/could
Objective 9 To recognise and spell the suffixes al, ary, ic
Objective 9 To recognise and spell the suffixes ship, hood,ness, ment
Objective 14 The ways in which nouns and adjectives. e.g. fix, simple, solid, drama, dead can be made into verbs by use of the suffixes ate, ify, etc.; investigate spelling patterns and generate rules to govern the patterns
Term 2  
Objective 5 To investigate what happens to words ending in f when suffixes are added
Objective 7 To recognise and spell the prefixes: al, etc.
Term 3  
Objective 5 To explore the occurrence of certain letters within words, e.g. v and k; deduce some of the conventions for using them at the beginnings, middles and endings of words
Objective 5 To explore the occurrence of certain letter strings, e.g. wa (e.g. swat, water), wo (e.g. worship, won) and ss (e.g. goodness, hiss, missile) within words; deduce some of the conventions for using them at the beginnings, middles and endings of words
Objective 6 To spell words with common letter strings but different pronunciations, e.g. tough, through, trough, plough; hour, journey, could, route, four
Objective 7 Collect/classify words with common roots, e.g. advent, invent, prevent, press, pressure, depress, phone, telephone, microphone ; investigate origins and meanings
Objective 8 To practise extending and compounding words through adding parts, e.g. ful, ly, ive, tion, ic,ist; revise and investigate links between meaning and spelling
Objective 9 To recognise and spell the suffixes: ible, able, ive, tion, sion
Objective 11 To investigate compound words and recognise that they can aid spelling even where pronunciation obscures it, e.g. handbag, cupboard
Objective 12 To understand how diminutives are formed, e.g. suffixes: ette; prefixes: mini; adjectives, e.g. little; nouns, e.g. sapling; and nicknames, e.g. Jonesy

Year 5 Terms 1,2,3

Term 1 Objective
Objective 4 To examine the properties of words ending in vowels other than the letter e
Objective 5 To investigate, collect and classify spelling patterns in pluralisation, construct rules for regular spellings, e.g. add s to most words; add es to most words ending in s, sh, ch; when y is preceded by a consonant, change to ies; when y is preceded by a vowel, add s
Objective 5 To investigate, collect and classify spelling patterns in pluralisation, e.g. change f to ves
Objective 6 To collect and investigate the meanings and spellings of words using the following prefixes: auto, bi, trans, tele, circum
Term 2  
Objective 4 To explore spelling patterns of consonants and formulate rules:
  • ll in full becomes l when used as a suffix
  • words ending with a single consonant preceded by a short vowel double the consonant before adding ing
  • c is usually soft when followed by i, e.g. circus, accident
Objective 5 To investigate words that have common letter strings but different pronunciations, e.g. rough, cough, bough; boot, foot
Objective 6 To distinguish between homophones, i.e. words with common pronunciations but different spellings, e.g. eight, ate; grate, great; rain, rein, reign
Objective 8 To recognise and spell the suffix: cian, etc.
Term 3  
Objective 4 To spell unstressed vowels in polysyllabic words, e.g. company, portable, poisonous, interest, description, carpet, sector, freedom, extra, etc.
Objective 5 To investigate and learn spelling rules:
  • words ending in modifying e drop e when adding ing, e.g. taking
  • words ending in modifying e keep e when adding a suffix beginning with a consonant, e.g. hopeful, lovely
  • words ending in y preceded by a consonant change y to ie when adding a suffix, e.g. flies, tried - except for the suffixes ly or ing, e.g. shyly flying
  • i before e except after c when the sound is 'ee', e.g. receive. Note and learn exceptions
Objective 7 To recognise the spelling and meaning of the prefixes: in, im, ir, il, pro, sus

Year 6 Terms 1,2,3

All Terms Objective
Objective 5 To use word roots, prefixes and suffixes as a support for spelling, e.g. aero, aqua, audi, bi,cede, clude, con, cred, duo, log(o)(y), hyd(ro)(ra), in, micro, oct, photo, port, prim, scribe, scope, sub, tele, tri, ex
Objective 6 To investigate meanings and spellings of connectives: therefore, notwithstanding, furthermore , etc.; link to Sentence Level work on connectives